Through the seamless fusion of our proprietary methodology, cultivated in partnership with the prestigious Exit Planning Institute, and the rigorous principles of personal financial planning sanctioned by the CFP Board, we deliver a comprehensive and high-impact service that distinguishes us from other financial professionals operating within the exit planning sphere. Our commitment extends beyond the ordinary, setting us apart in the industry.



Gate 1: Discover (1st Part)

Triggering Event which is an independent personal, financial, and business assessment. Providing not only your current business value but also a glimpse into its potential Best-in-Class Value.


Gate 1: Discover (2nd Part)

The Action Plan focuses on 21 steps to increase the value of your business, which we rank from highest importance to lowest, and then schedule those tasks to help you achieve your personal target valuation.


Gate 2: Prepare

We divide the action plans into two paths which guide you through personal and business improvements. These are broken down into 90-day sprints and this is where we begin making strides in increasing value.


Gate 3: Decide

Typically, after 12-18 months, we can begin asking you two questions every 90 days: (a) Do I want to keep growing, or (b) Do I want to shift focus to exiting?

Contact us today to see how a financially sound plan may bring you closer to your goals.