Business Valuation

Who We Partner With:

Utilization of the Business Insights Report through Capitaliz® to ascertain business value.

What Does It Accomplish:

Business value and potential value developed from comprehensive analysis addressing critical issues and value drivers. Creates a roadmap to reach desired business value leveraging Succession Plus’s 21-step process.

Information Used for Valuation:

  • Financial Information: Typically, we collect three to five years of historic financial statements as well as benchmarking data, which will enable us to compare the business with industry competitors.
  • Non-financial Information: In addition, the Capitaliz fact find process will involve a self-assessment, interview, or workshop with owners and staff, which will incorporate 150 questions in a non-financial questionnaire as well as personal goals and objectives
  • Regulatory Information: We may incorporate structural or legal entity mapping to determine business ownership
  • Other Information: We will also consider the performance of the business based on economic data, industry data, and a number of databases and benchmarking tools.

Financial Business Valuation | Overflow Wealth Advisory OK

Testimonials provided are for the services of the ValueBuilder System.